Read on, because I always tie these posts back to advertising . . .
When something goes wrong – or people think it should go better – there’s usually a frenzied discussion. Everyone gives their interpretation of events, their opinions, their recommendations – well actually their directives – you should do X.
Little time or consideration is given to the facts. What is going on now? What led to this? Are the interpretations generated really thought out?
It seems to be a race to see who can state their version of a plausible explanation, and a recommendation for an optimal outcome, first.
It is stressful.
It’s usually reaction.
Sometimes you just have to STOP.
I witnessed a lot of that recently. Well-meaning family (I love them dearly and they have been an awesome support system) didn’t particularly agree with how things were transpiring – and in rapid-fire sessions – gave their take on what should happen.
During my husband’s recent stay in ICU, when things didn’t go as planned (or hoped), family pitched-in with helpful suggestions. I took it in.
The nursing staff was amazing. They stopped, listened, answered questions, and most of all, paid attention to the patient.
Sometimes you have to stop talking and just assess. You can acquire a lot more meaningful information by not talking.
Once all alarms were quieted, IVs checked, and everything measureable was noted, the nurses just stopped and looked at the patient.
When you’ve done everything you can do, doing (or saying) more doesn’t create a solution.
Observation does.
I have witnessed this in the workplace. When a project starts going south, the first inclination is to do more. Say more. Have more meetings.
Sometimes – no actually every time, taking stock of the situation, without trying to explain it, will give you a much clearer interpretation of the situation – and how to move forward – than endless chatter.
Frenzied discussion is unproductive.
I remained (mostly) silent during those discussions; because I knew that it wasn’t up to us. We could ask questions, but we had to leave it up to the patient.
He could speak volumes without words.